Appointment availability changes frequently, so if you are unable to schedule an appointment during a particular time period, please continue to check the step 2 cs scheduling website. additional appointments may become available 60 days in advance of a test date.. Step 2 cs scheduling restrictions demand for the step 2 cs examination is expected to be heavy at all test centers at certain times throughout the year. the cs scheduling system is designed to handle the expected high volume, while maximizing the likelihood that most examinees can meet requirements and deadlines.. Examinees may schedule a step 2 cs testing appointment at any of csecs six centers, based on availability. examinees who are registered with the appropriate registration entity for step 2 cs can use the step 2 cs calendar and scheduling system, available at the website of their registration entity (listed below), to check available test.
For instructions on canceling and rescheduling a step 2 cs testing appointment, rescheduling fees, and to cancel or reschedule your appointment, access step 2 cs calendar and scheduling on the ecfmg website. step 2 cs eligibility periods cannot be extended.. Traditionally, step 2 cs study resources are in paperback form, with few robust digital options available. below is a list of popular options amongst students preparing for the exam: firstaid for the

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