This is a guide to permits in los angeles and exemptions. 2002 los angeles county building code / b.m.c. section 107.1 a building permit shall not be required for: 4. one-story detached accessory building use as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet.. City of los angeles elevator code (chapter 9, article 2 of the los angeles municipal code) which is based on the asme a-17.1-1971 and the california code of regulations, title 8, division 1, chapter 4, subchapter 6 which incorporated asme a-17.1-1996 by reference with l.a. city amendments.. The best way to find out if you need a permit is to call your local building department. discuss your plans with the code official before beginning construction to determine whether you need a permit. even if a permit is not needed, the code official will answer construction questions and may provide valuable advice..
Building and safety regulations - this resource discusses various safety regulations for building small structures such as sheds in the county of los angeles, ca. residential sheds (pdf) - the city of cincinnati, oh, has complied all of the building codes and regulations in the city as they apply to residential sheds in this pdf file.. The los angeles building code and the los angeles residential code adopt by reference portions of the 2013 california building code (cbc.)

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