In an inverse battle, he'd be vulnerable to grass, ground, poison, and bug, at the least. i'm not sure how type immunities are treated there. but bc of wonderguard it can only be hit by supereffective moves.. What abilities are affected in an inverse battle? are entry hazards affected when used in an inverse battle? are the effects of stealth rock inversed in an inverse battle? what set of 4 types can hit everything at least normal effectively in an inverse battle? is weather affected by an inverse battle? how do you beat a shedinja in an inverse. For the last part, i have not tried to poison a steel type, since i was the only one with a steel type. yeah so many questions, hoping for more inverse battle in deluxe game (z, or y2/x2) or in gen 7, it's really awesome. i've played the game since red is out in na, so i know that type chart, going reverse was a hard job for my brain haha.
In the inverse house on route 18, the player can battle psychic inver in an "inverse battle" once a day, after which he gives the player one or three of many possible items. the vast majority of the. Shedinja is insane... the wonderguard ability makes for so much potential and yet so much holding it back. "how to use" pokemon strategy playlist. Shedinja is the only pok

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